Some History of interest
The Tower of Drosini
In the village of Gouves (5 km from Pefki), up on a hill with view over the village and all the way to the sea, you will find the house of the famous Greek poet Georgios Drosoinis, a fabulous old (1800) Venetian stone tower building. First it was built and owned by Ibrahim Aga, a Turk invader, but nowadays it belongs to the Municipality of Istiea- Aedipsos. The last decade it has become a Museum. Nowadays inside the tower you will find many traditional antiquities.
The Forts (Ochira)- in Gouves
During the decade of 1930’ s, on the east coast of the village Gouves, the inhabitants had built well hidden forts to protect the area of the north Evian bay coast line from foreign invaders. The location of these forts, just above the sea, was decided by Metaxa (before the Second World War) and he also initiated to have them built. During the period 1941-1944, the German invaders took over these forts and bunkers, and history tells that many tortures of Greeks took place inside these. Nowadays you can find the remains of the forts here and the Municipality has recently started cleaning up the area to protect and restore the historical monuments.
The Marble Bull of Orei
This ancient marble bull from the period 450 before Christ, was discovered in the sea area of Orei during the year of 1965, when the expanding the port/marina area of Orei took place. It is the largest white-marble statue ever found in Greek territories. It has a weight of 4, 8 tons and it is 3,2 m long. This spectacular statue can be seen in a glass box by the Marina of Orei.
The Black Olive tree of Artemision
You will find this ancient olive tree in the village of Artemision -2,5 km from Pefki. It is one of the oldest olive trees in the world. It has a diameter of 5 m and an age of 2.500 years.